Vigna della Piaggia-1.50 ha

Since an old vineyard planted in the 1970s was torn up, this is the winery’s oldest vineyard, 32 years old, and it’s always been one that I’m particularly fond of, because I started working with the grapes from the slope that turned out to have the best soil and exposure. The field on the hill was properly drained before planting the rootstock; it now produces a small quantity of grapes of outstanding quality, which are always used separately to make a unique wine.

Vigna di fondo-2,5 ha

A vineyard about 25 years old, from which you feel you could reach out and touch the town of Montalcino; on the slope that was planted with vineyards for many decades, which we have now renewed, one of the estate’s holdings is referred to as Viti, underlining the vocation of its soils, though the area was generally planted with cereal crops in the 70s.

Vigna di Mezzo-1.50 ha

This always used to be called “vigna vecchia”, the “old vineyard”, until it was replanted 15 years ago. It has the best soil on the slope, and it’s nearby, separated only by the road between the vineyards, but the grapes are fermented separately because they produce better results.

Vigna Maddalena-1 ha

Named after my paternal grandmother, a woman capable of being both gentle and strong. She always worked in the fields and with the animals, and took loving care of her grapevines and olive groves. The vineyard was planted in 1998, and she oversaw the growth of the rootstock until just before she died. Vinified with the grapes from Vigna di Fondo.

Vigna Poggio al carro - 1,50 ha

I spent much of my childhood in this field on the hills, because it was the most fertile field and had the natural drainage that made it ideal for growing cereal crops. It’s next to the Vigna della Piaggia, on my favourite slope. “Poggio al Carro” is actually a 4-hectare vineyard, though the label is made from the oldest 1.5 hectares in the vineyard, planted in 2008, which we call “old” even though it was actually planted in 2008. It is vinified separately and aged alone in a big 35 hl barrel.

Sustainable Agricultural Practices

We have always grown our vineyards sustainably, with a predilection for organic farming. This means eliminating herbicides, avoiding use of pesticides to control parasites such as red mite or grapevine moth, and avoiding the use of substances for preventing mould prior to harvest. The care of the grapevines and the harvest are conducted exclusively by hand to guarantee healthy, ripe grapes.

Origin and Growing Method

Our grapes come from autochthonous clones, and all our vineyards are planted with Sangiovese Grosso and grown with a focus on tradition and the environment.

In the winery, the grapes are subjected to only minimal intervention during the process of vinification. They are fermented in steel and aged in 35 hl Slavonian oak barrels and 750 litre French oak barrels, using only a few barriques for IGT wines. The vineyards are all located around the Abbey of Sant’Antimo, in specific locations such as La Croce, il Greppo, and Villa a Tolli.